Cattle health schemes
Supporting vets and farmers to control economically important infectious diseases in cattle.
We run the Premium Cattle Health Scheme (PCHS), which is one of the largest Cattle Health Certification Standards (CHeCS) licensed schemes. We offer an effective programme of testing and management to control bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), Johne’s disease, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), leptospirosis and neospora alongside the CHeCS Bovine TB Herd Accreditation programme.
Our team supports national initiatives, including the Scottish BVD eradication schemes, such as BVDFree England, Gwaredu BVD in Wales, and the National Johne's Management Plan (Great Britain).
Premium Cattle Health Scheme
A CHeCS Scheme to control BVD, Johne’s Disease, IBR, Leptospirosis and Neospora alongside the CHeCS Bovine TB Herd Accreditation programme.
Shetland Islands Health Scheme
The Shetland Islands Health Scheme exists to maintain a high level of disease freedom in livestock on the Shetland islands. SRUC Veterinary Services is contracted by the Shetland Islands Council to provide disease testing for Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) and Johne’s disease in cattle, as well as Maedi Visna (MV), enzootic abortion of ewes (EAE) and caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) in sheep.
We test submitted abortion material and can also test for other diseases on request. Please download the relevant forms below.
In SRUC news:
SRUC Theatre “must visit” destination at Scottish Smallholder Festival
The 2023 Scottish Smallholder Festival will feature an SRUC Theatre as part of the seminar programme providing a professional and hands-on education for smallholders attending the event.
New survey to record livestock ear tag experiences
A project investigating the factors impacting on ear tag loss and retention in cattle and sheep in Scotland has launched an online survey to build on information gathered in stakeholder interviews.
Breeding for feed-efficient dairy cows
The largest UK study of its kind aims to enhance breeding for feed efficient dairy cows.
Partnership working key for dairy-beef supply chain
The supply of dairy-bred calves has come under the spotlight as part of a project led by SRUC.
Animal welfare app scoops another award
A groundbreaking animal welfare app developed by an SRUC scientist has led to another major award for Waitrose.
SRUC Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre gets go-ahead
Highland Council has approved plans for the development of an £11 million Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre for SRUC on the Inverness campus.
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Vet & laboratory services
Our leading experts provide support to clients in areas animal disease, diagnosis and surveillance.
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