Hi I'm
Dr Paul Hargreaves
- Position:
- Location: Barony Campus
- Agriculture, Crops and Soils
- Climate, Environment and Wildlife
- Technology
I am a soil scientist and currently involved as a grassland researcher at the SRUC Dairy and Innovation Centre investigating methods to improve grass and forage yields through improved soil health. My current main areas of interest are:
- Maintaining and improving soil quality
- Developing management tools to aid improved soil quality
- Use of precision and novel methods to improve grassland yield through reduction of soil physical damage - Controlled traffic
- Inclusion of legumes as mixtures and in rotations to enhance soil quality and for a more resilient protein source
- Greenhouse gas emissions from grassland and forages
- Use of laser methane detector to monitor emissions from livestock
Areas of expertise and interests
- Agriculture, Crops and Soils
- Climate, Environment and Wildlife
- Technology
My professional highlights
- 2016-2021 RESAS Research Programme WP 2.3.4 Controlled traffic farming in grassland
- 2016-2021 RESAS Research Programme WP 2.3.6 Greenhouse gas emissions from dairy farms
- 2016-2021 RESAS Research Programme WP 2.3.8 Sustainable agriculture KE events
- 2017-2022 EU Dairy 4 Future - Propagating innovations for more resilient dairy farming in the Atlantic area
- 2019-2022 EU Climate Smart Cattle Farming: Development of novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in animal production systems
- 2019-2021 CREW Pathways of Diffuse Pollution to the Water Environment; state of knowledge and communicating best practice
- 2017-2021 AHDB Soils Programme Research Partnership: Management for Soil Biology and Health