We want you to get the most out of your time at SRUC. 

Here are some of the ways we would encourage you to stay involved with your SRUC community while you're studying with us. 

Get involved in SRUCSA

A key part of the student experience at SRUC is the time spent outside the classroom. SRUCSA, our Students' Association, offers a wide range of student-led clubs and societies, to make sure your free time is as enjoyable as the time spent in the classrooms. They work to ensure that you have the best possible student experience by engaging with you, representing you to SRUC, and promoting communication between staff and students.

By becoming a Student at SRUC you are automatically a member of SRUCSA. So while you're studying at SRUC, we hope you'll participate in the online and in-person events they run all year.

You might also like to become involved as a voluntary liberation officer, start your own sports club or society, or attend a student panel.

Find out more about SRUCSA, what they do, and how you can enhance your experience at SRUC by getting involved at the SRUCSA website.


Get IT support when you need it

We have set up a dedicated IT support webpage with information and instructions on how to set up, access, and use your digital accounts and resources including your student account, student email account, saving your files on OneDrive, on-campus printing, WiFi, and beneficial mobile apps (including the MySRUC app). 

At SRUC, our IT support team is called SSD (Shared Service Delivery). They are available to help you with a wide range of issues and a great resource to use if you have any questions -from simple to complex, about using your technology. You can email SSD at or call them at 0131 535 4444. 

IT Support

Get academic support when you need it

We are committed to providing an accessible and inclusive study environment where everyone gets the support they need.

If you have specific academic support needs that you are aware of, we encourage you will tell us about them as early as possible so that we can help as soon as possible in your academic career but you are welcome to tell us about your support needs at any time. 

If you're struggling academically and aren't sure why or what your support needs are, you are also encouraged to speak with us. We can help you assess you needs and help put in place the adjustments and support you need to succeed. 

SRUC can also assist with the process of applying for additional financial help under the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA). 


SRUC student support teams

We have a dedicated Student Support team at each campus but our aim is to have all students feel confident to approach any member of staff if they are worried, distressed or in difficulty of any form. All information will be given due respect and attention and will be acted on as appropriate. 

You can find a list of contact details for each Student Support office on our education support webpage. Additional resources and links to helpful external support groups can also be found there.

Education support

Stay on top of your budget

Starting college is a big transition and we know that sometimes financial obligations while studying can become tricky. To help, we have a dedicated financial support page that gives practical help and advice on different ways you can help maintain your financial health as well as what steps you can take if you're struggling. We also have funding support tutors you can speak to.

Financial Support

Stay physically fit

Staying active is an important part of your student experience and a great way to maintain your physical and mental health.

There are a number of ways to stay active while a student at SRUC, no matter which campus you're studying at. Find more information about your options on our sports facilities page. 

Sports Facilities

Stay up to date on what's happening

We use a number of social media channels – please give us a follow to keep in touch with what’s happening at your campus. We also regularly post news stories, videos, podcasts, and more that can help you stay informed about all the latest news, events, and happenings across SRUC. 

@SRUCStudy on Instagram

@SRUCAberdeen on Facebook

@SRUCBarony on Facebook

@SRUCEdinburgh on Facebook

@SRUCElmwood on Facebook

@SRUCOatridge on Facebook

@SRUC on TikTok

Explore more across SRUC

SAC Consulting

Providing independent, research-driven, industry-leading expertise, advice and solutions for agricultural, food and land-based businesses.

Explore consulting

Vet Services

Our leading veterinary experts provide support to clients in areas of animal disease, diagnosis and surveillance.

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Our researchers work locally and internationally to better understand and to transform the world around us.

Explore research